Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Snapshot of Presentation - Research Questions

The above image is a screen shot of the research questions I'll be presenting on April 28, 2010. Just in case you're unable to view the image, here's the description on the slide:

------------------Research Questions------------------

Research Questions

The researcher asked the following questions in her interviews:
1. Are you a weaver? If not, skip to question 4.
2. How long have you been weaving?
3. What crafts do you weave?
4. How long does it take to weave certain crafts?
5. Is there a pattern that must be followed in weaving? (eg. Counting by 3’s, 5’s, 8’s)
6. What math activities would you recommend for grades 1, 4, and 7?
7. Why is coconut weaving an effective activity for teaching math?
8. Why is coconut weaving important to our Chamorro culture?
9. What special message would you like to pass on to our people regarding the importance of coconut weaving?

----------------Research Questions------------------


  1. Coconut Weaving in the Chamorro Culture Weaving is said to be a lasting Chamorro artistry. There is mathematics used in the weaving of coconut leaves, for cultural master weavers must count the number of leaves they use, count in patterns, consider the size of the leaves, and dedicate time to the craft being weaved.

  2. Coconut Weaving in the Chamorro Culture Weaving is said to be a lasting Chamorro artistry. There is mathematics used in the weaving of coconut leaves, for cultural master weavers must count the number of leaves they use, count in patterns, consider the size of the leaves, and dedicate time to the craft being weaved.
