Saturday, April 24, 2010

Snapshot of Presentation - Interview Responses

The above image is a screen shot of the Interview Responses I'll be presenting on April 28, 2010. Just in case you're unable to view the image, here's the description on the slide:

-----------------------Interview Responses-----------------------

According to Cruz (2010), “coconut weaving involves addition, subtraction, and division.” He said that when you make a certain basket, in order to close the bottom you would have to divide the coconut leaves. He further said that pandanus baskets always need to have an even number of leaves to split and that odd numbers would not allow you to complete your ideal basket. He said that there is a pattern that must be followed in weaving. For example, for certain types of coconut baskets, 12, 16, 20 leaves are needed, but they will all be different sizes. This is also the same case for fans, which follow an “over and under” pattern throughout the course of creating the art piece (Naputi, 2010).

Cunningham (2010) further emphasized the importance of coconut weaving. "Coconut weaving is effective in teaching mathematics, because it addresses the number one problem with mathematics instruction. Mathematics should be taught with practical applications, then students understand why they need to learn mathematics. The students can see practical necessity for mathematics."

---------------------------Interview Responses------------------------

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